The Evree app utilizes behavioral economics to improve customers’ financial habits, increase their confidence and accelerate their savings. Evree is a progressive web application (PWA) that enables an individual to set financial goals and save towards those goals through a gamified experience.
The user receives coaching in the form of personalized challenges, inspirational coaching, unbiased advice, and timely reminders to help them make better financial decisions using the Nobel-Prize-winning concept of “nudging”.
High-level invisionapp prototype
Role: A lead product designer (UI/UX)
What I did: product design, facilitating design workshops, customer journey map, rapid sketching, user flows, high fidelity wireframes, user validation, and testing, Invision prototyping, UI design in Sketch, illustration.

At Evree UX design team was closely integrated with the dev and business team using Lean UX and co-design. We worked together three sprints ahead to form our hypothesis and conduct a design workshop if needed. We would come up with a testable prototype and validated it with users. After validating the design we would make a decision if the design was a good candidate for upcoming sprints of it needed a new idea and further validation. This way of working was very good because we didn’t build anything without validating it with users first. When I joined this team validation was not happening often enough and there was a lot of re-work.

Initially, Evree started as a PWA but than was released in the app store. The challenge of making an iOS app from the PWA was to make it feel more native than a responsive site. We had to go with a hybrid iOS/Android approach for the initial release.

Based on the research we were introducing different improvements to increase customer retention. In the example above we shifted the app experience from the typical dashboard to help users view their activities and progress to achieve specific financial goals. We also introduced iOS tab navigation to help users navigate between activities and progress.